Maine Towns and Cities Maine Towns and Cities Locator
bed and breakfasts, vacation rentals, campgrounds, local hotels and motels, attractions and real estate agencies in Androscoggin County and Lewiston, Maine
Visit Maine!
The Maine Visitors Network is a guide for tourism, travel, lodging, real estate agencies and more, organized by topic, region, towns, counties and geography in MAINE.


The Maine Visitors Network provides several ways to find Communities in the Towns & Cities database.
Instructions for each method are provided below:
Note: Some browsers may not be configured with adequate memory to load the complete list of over 3000 communities. If this happens to you, click the back button and use another method.
Enter Name:

For a single Community or dropdown list:
  • enter community name or partial name in the text box on the left
  • for a list of all communities, leave the text box blank
  • click Select Town/City button.
  • Scroll down:

    For a dropdown list of the communities in a county:
  • pick the county on the dropdown list on the left
  • click Select County button

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